Wednesday, April 27, 2011

don't care

i don't care. your not important. your not powerful. your wasting millions of taxpayers dollars on your fake fairytale bullshit wedding. get off my television.

abe lincoln is still alive

everything you know is a lie

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

that snookie shot shouldnt really count as titty tuesday

even though that shit was hilarious. here you go, this will make your eyes feel better.

were gonna party for the mother fucking right to fight

make some noise if youre with me

i can't even speak

just been laughing for the past 20 minutes straight, this is way too perfect. fuck yeah to the photoshop master behind this gem. id like to know who made this just so he can come over and clean the puke off my computer.

Monday, April 25, 2011

sheen. winning. swag.

head over to the online shop and pick up the new "charlie fiend" shirt while we still have some left.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

more of dirty mac at rutgersfest

here are some photos of our buddy Dirty Mac rocking some grimy goods at rutgerfest 2011. its pretty funny to me that 30,000 people got to see the new charlie fiend shirt before i even got a chance to since i was away when all the new shirts came in, ill take it though. this is also gonna be the last rutgersfest ever due to all of the violence, stabbings, and shootings that occured this year which is kind of a bummer but if there just gonna keep booking shit acts like pitbull ill get over it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


GDP- all my friends are on meds ft. pistol
slangcorp is fuckin killin it right now. speaking the truth and being justifiably angry with the world, thats what i want out of hip hop and music/art in general. dude fuckin smoking bongs in a coffin and then pouring 40's on obama? nobody is touching that. so hop on board or hop in front of a fucking train. new jersey come correct.
go pick up Useless Eaters and have your fuckin mind blown by how real this shit gets.

i miss winter

i need to find a new hobby soon because i hate myself when im not snowboarding

Monday, April 18, 2011

rutgerfest 2011

our friend and grimy gang affiliate Dirty Mac killin it at rutgersfest 2011 and also rockin a shirt from our new spring 2011 release which just so happens to be droppin tonight at midnight. shirts are gonna be moving quick and we have very limited quantities so dont sleep on this my little grimy ones. grimy gang for life.

hobo with a shotgun

ridiculous isnt even the word. i watched this the other night and it was hands down the most fucked up and bloody movie ive ever seen. personally i enjoy shit like that but even i felt that the line was crossed a couple times in this one. i dont want to be the one recommending this to people, but if your into absouletly crazy shit its worth watching. imagine back to the future 2 combined with deathwish, the warriors, and taxi driver and add a ton of blood. im pretty sure somebody got curb stomped with an ice skate. hobo with a shotgun, fuck yeah

Saturday, April 16, 2011

record store day

its cool that my hometown still has some cool shit going on every once in a while. come out and support an awesome independent record store run by awesome people because this itunes generation may never know what a record store is if we dont show our love and respect. see you there.

Friday, April 8, 2011

new unreleased earl sweatshirt track

earl sweatshirt - DAT ASS

ill leave you grimy cats with some love since no ones gonna be around to post shit for a while.
loop this til we get back and just imagine how fucking sick the new shirts are gonna be.

as long as nothing goes wrong while im up in maine,

the new gear will be released shortly after i get back!!! the security guards at sugarloaf are state troopers though which makes me a little uneasy haha but fuck it, im raging super hard and ending the dopest winter ive ever had with a fucking bang.

this is where ill be for the next week

sugarloaf in maine, its gonna be an absolute mess and i cant wait. heading up with a bunch of friends from work for 5 days and nights of riding and partying. weather is seeming sketchy at the moment but im prayin for at least one day of warm weather and sunny skies. otherwise youll catch me at the indoor skatepark/bar/hot tub/spa/whateverwhatever steady drinking my ass off. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

mike giant interview

i would absouletly love to have a conversation with this dude, but instead im just really enjoying myself listening to him speak his mind about life and random bullshit. its cool to know there are still some level headed people out there who are doing big things. much respect.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

somebody tell cosby that i want my fucking swag back

park rats

me and my mate jono pretended to be park rats for the day last week. here are a couple of my favorite shots. nothing too crazy, just having a good time enjoying a beautiful spring day.
(click to enlarge)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

its almost here

i hope your ready

my winter is starting to wind down

ill be coolin in new jersey for a week but then heading back to vermont for a few days then up to maine for a week of snowboarding and heavy drinking. after spending about 100 days on my snowboard, im losing my fucking mind in jersey. i need to find a new hobby this summer. biking and skating are alway in the mix but i need to get involved in something a little more life threatening. here are a few new ideas ive been pondering:

1. sketchy mountain biking
2. rock climbing
3. surfing(fuck sharks for real)